The Snow Monkey Resorts Info & Gift Shop is located at the entrance of the trail leading to the Jigokudani Monkey Park. Offering a range of services including winter rentals and English language information, luggage storage, along with monkey merchandise and souvenirs including official Snow Monkey Resorts products, the SMR Info & Gift Shop has you covered when visiting the park. Open from early October until late May, 9AM to 5PM, English-speaking staff can answer your questions on your way to and from the park including information about bus timetables and nearby attractions.
Rental snow boots and jackets are available for rent while cramp-ons are available for sale, essential items through winter when the temperature can drop below -10°C and the trail and path will be affected by snow and ice. Souvenirs available at the shop include original t-shirts and other clothing, hand-knitted snow monkey key chains and purses, toys, and local confectioneries and snacks. For visitors coming to the park between June and September, English information and the same merchandise can be found at nearby Enza Café.

The Snow Monkey Resorts Info & Gift Shop is located at the entrance of the trail leading to the Jigokudani Monkey Park. Offering a range of services including winter rentals and English language information, luggage storage, along with monkey merchandise and souvenirs including official Snow Monkey Resorts products, the SMR Info & Gift Shop has you covered when visiting the park. Open from early October until late May, 9AM to 5PM, English-speaking staff can answer your questions on your way to and from the park including information about bus timetables and nearby attractions.

Rental snow boots and jackets are available for rent while cramp-ons are available for sale, essential items through winter when the temperature can drop below -10°C and the trail and path will be affected by snow and ice. Souvenirs available at the shop include original t-shirts and other clothing, hand-knitted snow monkey key chains and purses, toys, and local confectioneries and snacks. For visitors coming to the park between June and September, English information and the same merchandise can be found at nearby Enza Café.



The Snow Monkey Resorts Info & Gift Shop will be easy to find for any visitors coming to the park. Located at the entrance to the trail leading to the monkey park, it literally can’t be missed! Every visitor walking in and out of the park will pass the Info & Gift Shop, making it an ideal stop for anyone needing rentals, luggage storage, monkey merchandise or a little assistance to get the most out of their visit.

Reaching the park can be done in a number of ways, most of which start from Nagano Station. While it is not difficult to access the park, it will require a number of transfers depending on the route you take, and so we suggest that you do some research before hand to ensure a smooth journey. For more details on how to reach the Monkey Park area, please see our 'How to Get to the Jigokudani Monkey Park' page.



Our gift shop is your one stop destination for any and all Snow Monkey themed goods. With shirts, magnets, candy, bath bombs, tote bags, and more, you may end up needing an additional suitcase for your journey home!


Pictured below is one of our most popular items, the Snow Monkey Plushie! While you cannot take a real monkey home with you, with this plushie you can get the next best thing. Popular with kids and the young at heart, it also makes a great souvenir to give to family and friends who couldn't visit the park.


We recommend that you buy gifts on the way down at our shop, to avoid having to carry bags up and down the trail. Please feel free to ask the in store staff any questions you may have about the items on display.


A range of confectioneries and snacks are also available including Nagano’s famous apple Kit Kats, grape Pocky, manju and cookies, and monkey candy. These are very popular gifts for visitors wanting to take something home that they can share with family and friends. Please note however that if you are buying food from the Info & Gift Shop, please ensure it is tucked-away in your bag and out of sight from the monkeys as they would love to get their hands of such sweet and savory goodness! Guests planning to buy food items that cannot be hidden – noting that the monkeys will be just as attracted to a plastic bag on the assumption that it has food – should wait until they are on the way out to buy it and ensure that their precious cargo doesn’t become the property of a sweet-toothed monkey!

The Snow Monkey Resorts Info & Gift Shop provides are range of services to ensure you have an enjoyable and easy visit to the monkey park. In the winter months, the trail to the park is usually icy and as a consequence also very slippery. Please do not underestimate the chances that you will fall - anyone, even those with experience walking on ice, could slip by accident. To ensure that everyone is prepared for the trek, our Info & Gift Shop offers cramp-ons for sale for JPY1,350.

In case you are concerned about getting your shoes wet and muddy, rental waterproof boots are also available. And if the cold is worse than you anticipated, do not hesitate to inquire about the rental jackets and snow gear on offer.

Please refer to the above image for the specific pricing details of each item. Please also be aware that not all shoe sizes, etc... can be accommodated and so in some cases we may be unable to rent items that are your exact size.


For those traveling with luggage, it will of course not be possible to walk up the trail while rolling a suitcase or carrying ski gear. For those situations, we are happy to hold your luggage while you walk for a small fee of only JPY500. On your way down, feel free to pick up your things again and head on to your next destination. And please always feel free to ask the staff any questions you have about bus timings, lunch options, etc... as they are always willing to help.

*Monkey Park Entry Tickets are only sold at the Park itself, and thus we do not offer them for sale at the Gift Shop.


As touched on above, the walk to the Snow Monkey Park will require some special gear in the Winter months to ensure your safety. The total distance of the trail from start to finish is 1.6 km / 1 mile, and while it is not paved it is well maintained and mostly flat.

In Summer the trail will pose no special challenge to anyone of a normal fitness level, although the trail may be muddy after rain and so shoes which you do not mind getting dirty are always recommended. However, in Winter the trail will typically be covered in snow and ice and will frequently be very slippery. For this reason, we always recommend bringing or purchasing cramp-ons for your shoes to help avoid any potential injuries. The trail will take around 25 minutes to walk in Summer, but may take over 35 minutes in Winter so please plan your trip accordingly.


Additionally, there are no public toilets along the trail. There is a toilet near the entry, attached to the parking lot. The next toilet from here is the toilet at the park itself, after the 1.6 km walk. As the toilet at the park often has long lines, we recommend using the toilet at the bottom of the trail before heading up.

For more information about the walk to the park, please see our 'Information About the Walk to the Snow Monkey Park' page.



Enza Cafe 開始,遊客可以在公園內享用幾家不錯的餐廳。 Enza Cafe 位於步道入口處,提供日式和西式菜餚、咖啡和其他飲料(包括精釀啤酒等),是遊客在遊覽公園之前或之後享用小吃或坐下來用餐或喝酒的理想場所。


Enza 的菜單包括美味的雞肉拉麵、壽司、炸雞和炸薯條、咖啡、熱巧克力、清爽的軟飲料和果汁以及酒精飲料。大多數菜單都可以外帶,但請注意,食物和飲料不能帶入公園,因此如果您想外帶,請在離開公園時再外帶,否則您的美味小吃很可能成為猴子的財產!


咖啡館提供室內和室外座位,採用輕鬆的開放式設計,讓您可以在公園裡慢慢遊覽。對於從春天到秋天前往那裡的遊客來說,Enza 的大露台是享用美食和飲料的理想地點,尤其是在秋天,露台上方的大型 "momoji "變成深紅色,美不勝收。




穂垂亭供應天婦羅、和牛、火鍋和壽司等美味佳餚,氣氛寧靜祥和。冬季的雪景特別美麗,我們向希望在猴園期間品嚐傳統日餐的遊客推薦穂垂亭。請注意,您需要至少提前 3 天預訂。



Visitors to the monkey park are spoiled for choice when it comes to nearby accommodation. Located in the small hot spring village of Kanbayashi Onsen and a short drive from the larger Shibu Onsen and Yudanaka Onsen, the park can be enjoyed while staying at one of the area’s many guesthouses, many of which have their own hot springs, or further afield in Shiga Kogen or Nagano City. The above mentioned restaurant, Hotarutei, also offers two luxurious villas each equipped with two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchenette, and their own private onsen. Our ‘Where To Stay Around The Jigokudani Monkey Park’ page lists the best areas to stay, our recommendations and accommodation listings.




我們最受歡迎的旅遊路線是"長野雪猴公園、善光寺和清酒一日遊": 雪猴、善光寺和長野清酒一日遊"。下午參觀雪猴,在導遊的帶領下遊覽歷史悠久的善光寺,品嚐日本清酒,並在長野享用午餐。


我們也為冬季造訪長野的遊客提供 "1 日遊 : 志賀高原的雪猴公園與雪上樂趣"。選擇此行程的遊客可在志賀高原享受雪橇和雪地摩托車等多項雪上活動。歡樂的早晨過後,我們的巴士將帶您前往雪猴公園,在那裡您可以看到猴子們度過自己的雪日!

春季還有一個令人難忘的旅遊項目--"一日遊: 雪猴公園與長野櫻花之旅"。在這裡,您可以將每年盛開的櫻花和雪猴公園這兩個日本最著名的自然景觀合而為一,成為一次絕佳的一日遊。



